Art Source South Africa
Perspectives & Views
Art related news and interesting articles
The Business of Being an Artist.
Article by : Les Cohn. During August, September, October and November Art Source South Africa in association with the Meta Foundation and funded by...
The World Outside Your Studio
Article by : Les Cohn. In August 2023, Les Cohn gave a 1 day workshop titled The World Outside Your Studio to an artist group at Broadlands Manor,...
Istanbul and Stellenbosch
Article by : Carl Becker. "...her country, our country, but also nobody's country, a myth of country in a constantly changing continuum of life and...
You and online – shifting to the ‘NEW NORMAL ‘
In 2020 our lives changed dramatically. The COVID-19 pandemic starting as a whimper in distant China, spread with lightning speed across the world. The art industry did not escape unscathed. Galleries, museums, art fairs and festivals worldwide closed with exhibitions postponed indefinitely.
The importance of art, cultural heritage and indigenous knowledge with a focus on new curatorial approaches
The presentation discusses the value of a society’s art and culture as an expression of its community identity where rituals, art and artifacts embody its history, memory, traditions and values in tangible form.